Shobhan Chaudhuri

Emphasis on Improving Safety, Freight loading and Punctuality

Shobhan Chaudhuri, General Manager Northern Railway held a performance review meeting with the departmental heads of Northern Railway and DRMs at Baroda House, NR headquarter office in New Delhi today. Detailed discussions were held on issues and cases relating to safety, rail fractures and passenger amenities, efforts are being put in to increase train speed, digitization of Railway records, material management and scrap disposal.

Chaudhuri instructed on focusing efforts on the maintenance of track, welds of joints, signaling systems and rolling stock assets for unhindered running of trains. He added that the frontline staffs are the eyes and ears of railways, attention should be given to their periodic training and sensitization to use of new technology.

He took stock of the works being undertaken to remove bottle necks to enhance speed of trains, elimination of level crossings, doubling, electrification, construction of ROBs and RUBs were some of the points touched upon. He called upon the concerned departments to expedite the processes. He also advised to maintain an adequate stock pile of materials needed for repair and maintenance of assets along with timely disposal of scrap. He insisted on completion of digitalization of all railway records to bring in more transparency.

Chaudhuri emphasized to complete the works related with construction of important projects. He also informed that, loading of food grains & other items have steadily increased with every passing month.
Northern Railway is committed to provide safe, smooth and efficient services to its customers.

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